Making Production Music

In 2021 I started working with WotNot Library to make production music (also known as library music).

It’s super collaborative, I’m learning a lot and loving it.

Here below are the 10 tracks currently released.

Go to Cavendish Music to license the production music I made for WotNot Library.

Doing this is fun and helps me improve my skills by doing things I wouldn’t even think to do otherwise.

As I’m quite new in this game, they tell me what needs to be done on my tracks if they like the original idea, and the tasks can be divided between producers and musicians. Which means it’s much less time and effort to finish better music.

First sync placement ever (Dec 2022)

The track ‘Jack It Up (So Good)’ has been synced in Top Gear on the BBC TV in December 2022.

The episode is below, and my track plays at 10:28.