1day1song (vol. 1)

This is my month of June 2020 in music.
I made from scratch and published one piece of music every day.

This is the most profound and satisfying experience I had so far as a music maker (that with my weekly releases from Jan to May 2021).

I think that using a strict time restriction to make a song – and release it the same day – is one of the best and fastest way to learn making (better – yes) music. It’s even more powerful if you repeat the process for many days in a row.

scroll-down the playlist or click the next button to access all the tracks

I should have stick with one Ableton template and define more rules to limit myself and have a more cohesive collection of tracks but…

… at the time I was going around England doing WorkAway as I couldn’t afford paying a rent and the pandemic made it difficult to get a day job and my own place as I first planned – so in the course of that month, I lived in five different places, and four cities/town :

  • Newark, Nottinghamshire (tracks 1 to 6)
  • Nottingham (tracks 7 to 20)
  • In the train, between Nottingham and Bristol (track 21)
  • Bristol (tracks 22 to 27)
  • Bruton, near Bristol (tracks 28 to 30)

I think all that uncertainty and change influenced the music and its diversity.

While staying in Nottingham for two weeks, I used some instruments from my host (Casio keyboard and xylophone).

I also recorded people talking around me (and myself).

Looking back at my Timing stats : I spent from 45 min for the quickest to 2h50 for the longest (track 14 with lyrics and vocals created on the spot). For most of the tracks, time was limited as I was giving 5 hours a day 5 days a week to volunteer in exchange of meals and accommodation. Beside that, it was my intention to limit myself to just a few hours max.

Many tracks feel like half songs, other seem more complete.

Anyway, here they are, as imperfect as they can be.

In June 2022, I will repeat this challenge.
The music will be released daily on Bandcamp, and I plan to livestream everything on Twitch.


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